Harlem Nights

Casino for

a Cause

Saturday, February 26, 2022 from 1-6pm.
Lake Bailey Chateau (LBC) is excited to announce the upcoming charitable “Casino for a Cause” event in honor of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Join us at Lake Bailey Chateau
for an Exciting Day of Roulette,
Craps, Black Jack & More!

The Players Room


Pasta Bar (Buffet Style) | Red or White Wine, Beer, or Sangria | Startup Gambling “Funbucks” Included

The High Rollers Lounge


Private Lounge | Complimentary Food & Drink Service | Open Bar | Swag Bags | Startup Gambling “Funbucks” Included 

To Purchase Tickets, Please Send Selected Amount to CashApp or PayPal

Cash App



Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disability that affects development in children. This is not only emotionally and physically challenging on a daily basis, but treatment is also very costly. There are several degrees of Autism Spectrum Disorder, which range from gifted and high functioning to severely challenging. LBC would like to continue helping in making a difference to so many families unable to afford available resources and your support is key in achieving this goal.

Playing tables will be available to display sponsor’s name and/or slogan/logo in the following designated areas below:

  • $500 – Display Board
  • $750 – Card Table
  • $2,500 – Player’s Room
  • $5,000 – High Roller’s Lounge

Sponsorship in monetary, auction item(s), or raffle gift(s) are greatly welcomed. We will provide a tax receipt upon request.

Please send all donations including monetary gifts to:
3540 Crain Highway, Suite 327, Bowie, Maryland 20716.

Monetary donations should be made payable to Micah’s Voice. This is a non profit charitable foundation created in honor of the founder’s son, Micah. They have personally endured difficulties and challenges experienced with this ongoing disability. Their objective is to continue with helping aid numerous families with various medical expenses.

We sincerely hope you’re able to donate to this worthy cause. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and will certainly be a blessing to families in need.

a Non-Profit Autism Foundation

If you have any questions regarding tickets or sponsorship, please contact us at
540.238.5053 | info@lakebaileychateau.com